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Seasonal Changes

April 18, 2015

Nature has ways of letting you know what’s going on. Like with the change from Summer to Fall, the signs are there. The leaves on the trees lose their Summer green, leaving behind the red, yellow, orange and brown that you think of as the Fall landscape. The days get shorter, and they get a good bit cooler too.

Your home also has ways of letting you know what’s going on. Energy efficiency is a particularly “hot topic” for cold weather, so use these points as guides to making your home more energy-efficient.

  • Lowering thermostats can lower energy bills.

    Studies show that for every degree you lower the temperature on your thermostat, you can save 2% on your heating bill. Keep your thermostat set to 68 degrees when you’re at home or lower when you’re asleep or away. A programmable thermostat can adjust these settings for you.
  • Reducing air leaks also reduces energy use.

    Windows and doors should be sealed properly to keep warm air in, cold air out. Other common air leak locations are floors, walls, ceilings, ducts, fireplaces, plumbing and electrical outlets. A home energy survey can show you how you’re losing warm air without realizing it.
  • Humidifiers can add moisture.

    The air you’re breathing inside your home is also subject to seasonal change. For example, if you’ve got dry skin, cracked finger tips, and a scratchy throat, the warmth in your home may be drying out your air. By maintaining the right humidity levels, you’ll also feel warmer at lower thermostat settings – thus, aiding your energy efficiency goal.
  • Have your heater checked.

    As heater use kicks in, one of the most serious concerns you face is the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. This is an odorless, colorless gas that can build up when heaters aren’t properly ventilated, causing serious illness. Make sure your heater is checked each year by a professional. Call us to schedule a time.